Here are the groups from this Sunday. Be sure to check out yours and other groups responses. Try to understand other people's perspectives. Why would they feel that way? Do you fall in one category more than another? Be sure to get involved! Bring your A-Game! Let's debate!
The question was, "what are the effects of sin?" Here are your responses...with some minor changes
Non-Christian Group: (those who don't believe in sin or its effects)
1. The OT laws and rules are not relevant at all today, thus not applicable.
2. The bible is simply a tool used by religious institutions to control people...and sin is a way in which they induce fear in people.
3. The bible contradicts itself about many concepts, including sin, and so sin is meaningless...thus it has no effects.
Pseudo-Christian Group: (those who justify their sin to do whatever they want)
1. Once we're forgiven we are always why change? (Romans 10:9)
2. We have eternal life I can do whatever I want! (John 3:16)
3. There is no sin in our lives. We've been perfected already!
The Angry Christian Group: (those who use the Bible to condemn and incite fear)
1. God is a wrathful God who punishes all sin!
2. All sinners rightfully deserve and should go to hell!
3. Hell is a real place where God punishes sinners!
The Non-judging Christian Group: (those who don't judge since all have sinned)
1. God is a loving God who sacrificed his only Son for us. If sin doesn't matter, then his sacrifice means nothing.
2. We are all sinners, which separates us from God. It's only through Jesus than anyone can be saved, but God expresses that God desires that all men be saved!
3. God's laws are for our own good.