Colossians 1:28,29

"Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me. "

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I have been memorizing Philippians lately with a couple of college students, and I had forgotten how much fun and insightful it is to memorize long portions of Scripture. The very fact that one must slow down and process the words is insightful enough. If you haven't tried's your chance.

As I was looking at the next portion to memorize, God implanted a piece on my heart today that I deemed I should it's not my thought but God's.

In chapter one of Philippians Paul shares his joy over the people's partnership with the gospel, as partakers with him of grace. But it extends even into Paul's imprisonment and how it made the other brothers more bold for the gospel. What a strange thought? Would't imprisonment discourage boldness? Rather there is something intrinsically ironic about this situation. Where imprisonment may normally bring fear, to God's ambassadors it brings courage. If we are being imprisoned for was for their sake! Thus the imprisonment sparks a sense of gratitude and response.

But more, what the Spirit really laid on me this morning was Paul's attitude and remarks about death. For indeed to die is gain, but should God allow him to live longer in his fleshly body, then it is for the sake of the brothers! What a glorious perspective! To die is gain, and in fact who wouldn't rather just go and spend an eternity with God in his glory? Paul says "I am hard pressed between the two. My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better..." but he continues in saying that "to remain in the flesh is more necessary..." why? Because it was necessary for Paul to continue serving and teaching others about Christ, "for their progress and joy in the faith..."

How often when we get some spare time do we waste it on ourselves? Don't get me wrong, everyone needs to replenish themselves with "me" time...but are we really devoting the time that God gives us to furthering others progress in the faith and for others joy?

Paul sends them out with this a word of encouragement, "Let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ..." and that they are "not frightened by their opponents.." Let us strive, each of us, to live a life worthy of the gospel. A life that isn't afraid of adversaries, but one that is bold, even if their is persecution. Let us live lives centered on the progress of others faith and joy...the progress of God's kingdom...the fulfillment of Jesus' great commission (Mt. 28).

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