Colossians 1:28,29

"Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me. "

Monday, October 31, 2011

"Take nothing",,,?

Read Mark 6:7-13


So lately my wife Nikii and I have been reading through the book of Mark together. I love Mark for many reasons, one being how simply it portrays the gospel but more so, as a result of the gospel, is Christ's call to discipleship. The book really highlights the call as well as the failures of disciples. It's no surprise that the disciples failed more than they succeeded...but it's a healthy reminder for us who tend to think that all they did was succeed. Granted they had Christ, which we don' least in a physical sense, but it's encouraging to think that if the disciples had Christ and still failed and received grace then we can have the same grace.

Reread Mark 6:7-13

Isn't it so easy for us to rationalize and justify our beliefs? What do I mean? I mean this: when Christ calls us to do something we push it aside and think that somehow it doesn't relate to our society. For example: in Mark 6:7-13 Jesus begins to send out his disciples, but he tells them to "take nothing" on their journey. No money. No food. No extra clothes. Just the sandals on their feet, the clothes on their backs, and a staff for walking. Take nothing...really? What is Jesus trying to accomplish here?

I don't know about you when, but it's been a tendency of mine to want to take lots of things when I go to meet with people. I need my Bible, I need my phone, I need my wallet for food, I need my sunglasses, I need my watch, I need my etc. All of these are fine things and sometimes necessary, so why would Jesus call the disciples to take nothing?

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